The Violin Player; directed by Bauddhayan Mukherjee is not exactly music into the years or mind of the viewers! It takes you through the cruelty of life. A musician achieves his ultimate at the cost of loosing his world. But still it makes him happy and contended. The film was screened recently in the Habitat film festival and the director and producer were present for a Question and Answer session. There were brilliant acting, good music and of course a lateral plot which always may not sync with our world of commercial entertainment. The low budget movie can be inspirational for many budding film makers. The effort of the director in making a good movie will be appreciated by most film lovers.
The 72 minutes movie shows the life of a not so successful violin player who was finding it difficult to meet his both ends in the city of Mumbai. Suddenly he comes across an opportunity of playing a solo. But does it fulfill his objective? Can it be taken as an achievement? Is it the birth or death of an artiste? Many questions remain though the film ends without much ambiguity about the thoughts of the director.
There may be some irrationality in certain scenes and one or two sequences may appear a bit lengthy but finally the entire movie is threaded through the violin without any loose string. We expect more and more beautiful creations from the director in future.