Tuesday, April 19, 2016


There is enough food in the world. People try hard to shade off the extra calorie in their body, A massive world population suffer from obesity. Health drinks, junk foods and Quick Service Restaurants are popular  in most of the urban places. Still in this opulent environment, you are compelled to see many hungry faces. Malnourished, underfed children show that civilization has not reached a stage where it can at least feed its members. Why so many people go hungry when there is no dearth of food in the world? Is it not lack of civility? Is it not the callous attitude of ours? Is it not the dirtiest example of selfishness? Malnutrition reduces the learning capability of children and their future productivity. Can we see the world free from hunger in the immediate future? The answer is a big NO. As per World Bank, we will require producing 50 % more food to feed the entire World population by 2050. There are challenges of climate changes cutting down our crop yield. There are schemes like mid day meal scheme in India which is an attempt to provide at least one meal to our children. Let's work towards making the world free from hunger. There are approximately 795 million people who do not have adequate food. More over enough is always not the answer to the right food which provide adequate nutrition. !165 million children under the age of 5 are stunted due to lack of nutrition. $ 1 spent on reduction of stunting gives us a return of $ 18. Economies world wide need to work towards providing nutrition and healthcare to the children for reducing stunted children across the world. The first 1000 days from the birth is most important for a child's development. Let's ensure that no pregnant women or children go hungry in the world. Let's come out from the vicious circle of poverty.  

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